Saturday, February 8, 2014

[ entertainment ] :: lazy weekend

I was supposed to be at a horse show this weekend, but one of the girls in my division got sick (feel better soon!) and since our division didn't fill, it got cancelled. Which is fine by me, because my back and shoulder hurt like the dickens. I injured my shoulder a while ago (last year maybe?) and it didn't heal correctly, so I've been walking around with the joint out of place and a torn ligament since then. that explains why I can't more that arm normally...physical therapy begins Monday.

The Hubs and I are having a very lazy weekend. We went to an Olympic-themed party last night and made fun of the other countries ('Murica!), slept in, and caught a movie this afternoon. We went to see The Monuments Men and I have to say that it was excellent! Of course, we used a Groupon for Studio Movie Grill and a gift card for a cheap day-date.

I'll be doing my best imitation of a vegetable today. Other than catching up on some blogging, I'm catching up on my DVR recordings and tending to my newly-sprouted seedlings. Dinner, Slow Cooker Pork and Black Beans, is already cooking away for an easy dinner.

- Maggie White

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