Thursday, February 6, 2014

[ garden ] :: seed starting progress

Wow - I'm kind of sucking at this whole "blogging" thing! I'm really trying to be a busier, more productive Mags and in the midst of my "productiveness" I totally forgot to post anything. Whoops!

If you remember, a few weeks ago I tried starting seeds indoors...success! The Hubs' office has temporarily become my seed-starting room. I'll post a list of the particular tomato and pepper plants I'll be growing this year. Since I began keeping a garden notebook, I can better track which plants grow best and which techniques work (and which ones don't).

These are "Sweet Thing" and Banana peppers from Burpee. They were the first to germinate,
along with some "Fairy Tale" eggplant.

I planted the rest of my pepper plants this week, as well as all of the tomato varieties I will (hopefully) be growing and some kale, romaine lettuce, and mesclun lettuce. Delish! I can't wait to eat these little babies. :)

Surprisingly, I planted the mesclun, kale, and romaine yesterday and they have already sprouted. Hopefully they will grow well inside under grow lights until I can transplant them outdoors next month. If you need a guide on what-to-plant-when, check out my January/February planting guide here.

- Maggie White

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