Saturday, February 1, 2014

[ grocery ] :: the week in review

Oh boy - I had a fun week of couponing. Unfortunately when I went to Publix, some of the deals I read about online were not in the store. :( Grocery: $20.05. Retail: $46.62. Personal Care: $6.27. Retail: $16.24.

Hmm...then I kind of went over-budget for the month on groceries. I was fully intending on using up the food in the freezer and pantry until the end of the month, but then we had Snowmageddon 2014 here in Georgia. I had The Hubs run to Publix to grab milk, eggs, and rice (we were out) in case we got snowed iced in. Good thing, because we were stuck at home from Tuesday afternoon until Thursday. Grocery: $7.57 (retail).

Thanks, The Hubs, for drinking the milk before I could take a picture.

On Tuesday (snow day)I went to Kroger just as the snow was beginning to accumulate. Boy, let me tell ya...snow makes Georgians act all kinds of stupid. However, the produce guys were marking the veggies down like crazy, I assume to get them off of the shelves before everything shut down due to weather. I grabbed a few items we were out of (black beans, veggies), some stuff for dinner (chicken, pork, avocado), and some things that I had coupons for (salsa and detergent). I got a pork roast for $1.59 - winning! Groceries: $26.09. Retail: $41.63. Home Supplies: $2.98. Retail: $7.98.

Here's the damage for the week:
Grocery: $53.71
Home Supplies: $2.98
Personal Care: $6.27

- Maggie White

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