Monday, March 10, 2014

[ budget ] :: is fast food really less expensive?

I think that my week-from-hell is almost over...maybe? I totally forgot that it was Monday (time flies  when sh!t hits the fan!) and with how busy I was over the weekend I didn't have time to make a real post. There was so much drama last week (work-related) and I'm gearing up for a competition at the end of the week...there is just no more time. Where does it all go?

It is so tempting to just drive through somewhere when I get stressed and busy, but I know it's not good for me and it's definitely not good for my budget. We normally think of fast food as being a cheap meal alternative but it isn't...check this out from SparkPeople (via Pinterest):

The thought of delivery pizza makes me want to barf now.

And finally, the reason why we don't buy soda anymore: it's expensive. Yes, it's only $4 or $5, but look what you can buy for that much! Way healthier and much more filling.

For The Hubs and myself, it's usually about $18 for us to eat out at Wendy's...more if it's a nicer fast food place. Tempting, isn't it? Last week, I fed the two of us all of our meals at home for $17 (plus items in the pantry/freezer). Be frugal. Use coupons. Budget. Easy!

- Maggie White

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