Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[ health ] :: how to de-stress

A few weeks ago I posed a question on Facebook: What would you like me to write about? I was struggling with a bit of writer's block ( many chili recipes can I come up with?).

My cousin requested that I write about ways to de-stress after a hard day. Besides the obvious...a glass of wine and all-you-can-eat chocolate...these are some things I do to unwind:

1. Zone out. The best piece of advice I can give is to get your mind off of your problems. Sometimes when we are stressed, our minds go a thousand places at once making it hard to focus on what we need to do next. So sit down, close your eyes, and take as many deep breaths as you need to clear your head.

2. Read! And not just read anything - read something that will enthrall you and capture your attention. Something that will distract your brain from the day's stress and allow your body to relax before you move on to your next task of the day.

3. Pamper yourself. No, do not go shopping or eat all the things you can find, and definitely don't spend all of your cash at a spa. Do something small that isn't part of your normal routine that makes you feel good. Personally, I like to take a steaming hot bath filled with a sore muscle soak while I sip on an herbal tea to help me physically unwind. Other times I'll do a hot oil treatment on my hair, or take a few minutes to give my skin a good scrub.

4. Garden. There is something magical about watching a tiny seed germinate and grow into a big, strong plant. When I am feeling down, particularly in the warmer months, I go outside and tend to my herb gardens. The fresh air and sunshine feel amazing, and I get a natural course of aromatherapy from trimming and tending to my plants. Lemon Balm and Apple Mint are my two favorite plants to tend to, and once they get a good trim I use their leaves to make a cup of fresh tea.

Pick a few herbs from the garden center that you like the smell of, plant them in a container, and give them a little TLC. They will continue to grow and give you the satisfaction of caring for a living thing and provide you with the most delicious tea you have ever tasted!

5. Snuggle. When you are stressed  a great time to snuggle a four-legged creature (or a two-legged one). Even if you don't have access to an animal to cuddle (seriously - borrow one), a good hug from a friend is enough. Sometimes when we are overwhelmed it is very easy to feel alone, so any type of physical contact can help you feel a little bit better.

Other times I will do something creative - sew, draw, write - or exercise to calm my nerves. So, how do you de-stress? 

- Maggie White

1 comment:

  1. I de-stress by watching television shows I like, playing Candy Crush, chatting with friends on Facebook, eating a good cookie, playing with my cat Apollo, talking on the phone and venting, spending time with Caitie (my niece), etc.
