Thursday, February 6, 2014

[ garden ] :: 2014 tomato varieties

This post is mostly information for my dad and a few of my friends. When it comes to my garden, I get the question, "what are you growing in there?" quite a lot! One of my absolute favorite things to do in the doldrums of winter is to sit down with a few seed catalogs and a Sharpie and make a list of plants I want to grow.

My list got really long really fast and I had to limit my desires to a shorter list of varieties. The Hubs absolutely adores peppers straight from the garden, and I have a full-blown tomato fetish. Don't even get me started on green beans...

Since February is the month to start your tomatoes and peppers indoors, I thought I would start with my list of tomato varieties I'm growing this year. I chose to buy my seeds from Burpee this year for three reasons: 1)  I have had success with Burpee seeds and plants in the past, 2) you get  $10 off of a $50 purchase with the code BTEN at checkout*, and 3) when using the "Shop & Earn" feature from Swagbucks, you get 9 Swagbucks per dollar spent (or 9% cash back). Check out Swagbucks here if you haven't already!

*When you sign up for Burpee's email newsletter, you can get $10 off of a $40 purchase!

Throughout the spring and summer, I will be updating the progress of these different tomato varieties. I chose my tomatoes based on what The Hubs and I like to eat (salsa, tomato sauces, tomato jam, caprese salad, grilled/baked/roasted/stewed tomatoes...basically, if it's a tomato we will eat it), and I chose some fun colors as well! Click on the picture to link to Burpee's website.

Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Tomato

The Super Sweet 100 tomato is an indeterminate (vining) plant that I love. This will be my third year growing it, but my first time starting it from seed. You can usually pick up seedlings from Home Depot or Lowe's. These tomatoes are tiny...smaller than grapes...and very sweet. They also produce a lot of fruit, that is if you can keep from nibbling them straight off of the vine! I love these tomatoes so much I'm planning on having 10-12 of them this year. $3.95 for 40 seeds.

Golden Fresh Salsa Hybrid Tomato

Uh, hello - yellow tomatoes! I can't wait to slice these up in a salad or in salsa. This tomato is a determinate (bush) plant that will be great in a square-foot garden setup. $4.95 for 30 seeds.

Fresh Salsa Tomato

I love a good bruschetta, so this tomato is perfect. Like the previous "Salsa Hybrid" this is also a determinate form. $5.95 for 30 seeds.

Italian Ice Hybrid

Can you see why I couldn't resist getting these? How fun would these look in a tomato salad! They are a bit on the pricey side, $5.95 for 30 seeds, so I hope they are worth it! 

Patio Princess Hybrid

These little beauties are going in my deck boxes alongside some basil and some small, bushy pepper varieties. I've heard great things about these plants, so let's hope my green thumb works well this year! $5.95 for 40 seeds.

Green Envy Tomatoes
Again, these tomatoes look super-duper fun. I've always wanted to grow a green tomato variety (green when ripe, that is), so I thought a cherry or grape tomato would be a good place to start. $5.95 for 40 seeds.

Sweet Tangerine Hybrid

In addition to green tomatoes, I've been wanting to grow orange tomatoes. Whenever I see tomatoes like these at the grocery store I immediately gravitate towards them but damn, they are expensive! Now I can make colorful caprese salads all summer long! $5.95 for 30 seeds.

Mortgage Lifter Heirloom

This seemed like a tried-and-true heirloom to grow, plus I like the story behind this tomato! $4.95 for 50 seeds.

Big Rainbow Heirloom

With a name like "rainbow" how could I resist? These tomatoes are gorgeous - they may just stay in a pretty bowl on the kitchen counter until I give into the urge to devour them. These are a great deal,  $3.95 for 50 seeds.

Sun Gold Hybrid

Yes, another orange tomato. I can't help myself. Oddly-colorful veggies are my weakness. $5.95 for 30 seeds.

Heatwave II Hybrid

Finally, this tomato will serve as insurance against dry, hot weather. Being in Georgia, I thought that it wouldn't hurt to try it! $4.95 for 30 seeds.

So, that's it - 11 varieties of tomatoes for the garden this year. How am I going to fit them in all in the garden? I have no idea. I have a feeling that it will involve some begging and bribery...

- Maggie White

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