Sunday, April 6, 2014

weekend wrap-up! :: 3/31 - 4/6

What a fantastically busy week! The Hubs and I were busy with some little DIY projects, like frosted glass for the garage doors...

...DIY wine cork letters, and my indoor growing lights set up. Previously, I put together a succulent garden (for way less money than you can buy pre-made in the store) and a recycled glass candle holder. Check them out on Pinterest!

In the garden, we have been enjoying our first little harvest of herbs and salad greens. It's nice to have a refreshing mint-infused water after working on expanding the garden beds all day! (More on that next week...) If you are thinking about starting your own garden, check out what to plant in April.

Things got intense in the kitchen when we processed and stored 40 pounds of heavenly 93% lean ground beef from Zaycon Foods. I grubbed out on some Steak 'n Shake inspired Chili Mac - it tastes better and is so much healthier!

Finally, I got all science-y on y'all with my take on GMO's - are they all bad? (No...but I still don't want to eat them if I don't have to).

- Maggie White

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